Transform Salem Witch Data
Select the file you would like to transform and click "Transform".
The input file should be a comma separated values (CSV) file with at least five columns:
- Source (a node id)
- Target (a node id)
- Type (directed, undirected, or blank)
- Weight (a number, can be blank)
- Relationship (a number where 1=Accuser, 2=Court Official, 3=Hearsay, 4=Witness for, 5=Witness against, 6=Co-accused, and 99=Unknown
The output of this process is a zip file containing the following files:
- accuser-edges.csv
- court-official-edges.csv
- witness-for-edges.csv
- co-accused-edges.csv
- uknown-edges.csv
- all-edges.csv
Each of these have six columns:
- Source (a node id)
- Target (a node id)
- Type (directed, undirected based on the relationship type)
- Weight (a number—always 1)
- Relationship (a number where 1=Accuser, 2=Court Official, 3=Hearsay, 4=Witness for, 5=Witness against, 6=Co-accused, and 99=Unknown
- Label (the label that corresponds to the relationship value)